Senior Designer
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Tractor Supply Co Mobile App


Tractor Supply Co Mobile App


Our challenge was to design an MVP app to get customers' "Life Out Here" needs in one spot. We designed a product for quick shopping, order tracking, scheduling deliveries and checking reward points all within 1 year.

As Sr. Product Designer, I worked with the lead product designer, PM + research to create the overall product vision and initial design workshops. I created all mobile designs, UI toolkits, and made updates to the brand for a better digital and mobile experience.



1. Research

Our team started this project by spending a full week at our client's headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee. We interviewed stakeholders, visited stores, and spoke with customers.


2. Exploration

After an initial phase of gathering as much information as we could about the company, their goals, the stores and their needs, we organized a week long design sprint exercise. We brought in our key stakeholders and customer service representatives and outlined the current user experience and brainstormed how an app can help.


3. Initial Concepts + Wires

After our research, we began concepts for main value propositions, IA, and how this app can help users outside of a standard e-commerce experience.


4. COVID-19 Implications

As we were beginning our design phase of the application, the world shut down to due to COVID-19. With stores closing down and fear of being in public spaces, retailers scrambled to keep business. Our timelines went from having 4+months to design to having 3 weeks and we had to cut our features to be bare MVP and launch Curbside pickup earlier than expected.


5. MVP Launch

After a mad dash to finish, we launched our MVP app to allow purchasing in app and provide a Curbside Pickup experience.


6. Impact

TSC's mobile app helped accelerate their omnichannel goals and vision, even in the midst of COVID-19.


growth in sales in Q2 2020

Triple Digit

growth in e-commerce sales in Q2 2020

1M +

app downloads